I have a eight-month-old baby. As a mom my time is at a premium, and I've come to appreciate functionalities I didn't know existed in things I already pay for. My HBONow subscription has Game of Thrones AND Sesame Street? Fantastic! Overnight diapers can save me a trip to the tiny airplane bathroom on a quick flight? Sweet! Oxiclean keeps my towels fluffy and vanquishes baby poop stains? Flip my pancakes!
Moz Pro isn't just a tool for link building, or keyword research, or on-page SEO, or crawling your site. It does all those things and a little bit more, simplifying your SEO work and saving time. And if you've run into an SEO task you're not sure how to tackle, it's possible that a tool you need is right here just waiting to be found! It's in this spirit that we've revived our SEO Quick Fix videos. These 2–3 minute Mozzer-led tutorials are meant to help you get the most out of our tools, and offer simple solutions to common SEO problems.
Today we'll focus on a few Keyword Explorer and Site Crawl tips. I hope these knowledge nuggets bring you the joy I experienced the moment I realized my son doesn't care whether I read him The Name of the Wind or Goodnight Moon.
Let's dive in!
Fix #1 - Keyword Explorer: Finding keyword suggestions that are questionsSearch queries all have intent ("when to give my baby water" was a hot Google search at my house recently). Here's the good news: Research shows that if you're already ranking in the top ten positions, providing the best answers to specific questions can earn you a coveted Featured Snippet!
In this video, April from our Customer Success Team will show you how to pull a list of keyword phrases that cover the who, what, where, when, why, and how of all the related topics for keywords you're already ranking for. Here's the rub. Different questions call for different Featured Snippet formats. For example, "how" and "have" questions tend to result in list-based snippets, while "which" questions often result in tables. When you're crafting your content, be mindful of the type of question you're targeting and format accordingly.
Looking for more resources? Once you've got your list, check out AJ Ghergich's article on the Moz Blog for some in-depth insight on formatting and optimizing your snippets. High five!
Fix #2 - Site Crawl: Optimize the content on your siteSometimes if I find a really good pair of pants, I buy two (I mean, it's really hard to find good pants). In this case duplicates are good, but the rules of pants don't always apply to content. Chiaryn is here to teach you how to use Site Crawl to identify duplicate content and titles, and uncover opportunities to help customers and bots find more relevant content on your site.
When reviewing your duplicate content, keep a few things in mind:
Cozily nestled under a few clicks, Keyword Explorer holds the keys to a competitive research sweet spot. By isolating the ranking keywords you have in common with your competitors, you can pinpoint their weak spots and discover keywords that are low-hanging fruit — phrases you have the content and authority to rank for that, with a little attention, could do even better. In this video, Janisha shows you how targeting a competitor's low-ranking keywords can earn you a top spot in the SERPS.
Check out all that overlapped opportunity!
For a few more tips along this line, check out Hayley Sherman's post, How to Use Keyword Explorer to Identify Competitive Keyword Opportunities.
Fix #4 - Site Crawl: Identify and fix redirect chainsRedirects are a handy way to get a visitor from a page they try to land on, to the page you want them to land on. Redirect chains, however, are redirects gone wrong. They look something like this: URL A redirects to URL B, URL B redirects to URL C… and so on and so forth.
These redirect chains can negatively impact your rankings, slow your site load times, and make it hard for crawlers to properly index your site.
Meghan from our Help team is here to show you how to find redirect chains, understand where they currently exist, and help you cut a few of those pesky middle redirects.
Looking for a few other redirect resources? I've got you covered:
Alright friends, that's a wrap! Like the end of The Last Jedi, you might not be ready for this post to be over. Fear not! Our blog editor liked my jokes so much that she's promised to harp on me to write more blog posts. So, I need your help! Find yourself facing an SEO snafu that doesn't seem to have a straightforward fix? Let me know in the comments. I might know a Moz tool that can help, and you might inspire another Quick Fix post!
If you're still interested in checking out more solutions, here's a list of some of my favorite resources:
Stay cool!