It's quite common, any writer who steps into the blogosphere could miss out plenty things in the initial days. Writing an article wi...

7 Actions To Be Taken For Blogs Seo To Get Found

It's quite common, any writer who steps into the blogosphere could miss out plenty things in the initial days. Writing an article with great vocabulary isn't not being enough at all. There are some technical SEO aspects which needed to be taken care of, for better search engine visibility.

Blogs SEO should be taken care from very initially stage of blogging to avoid and redo all the things from the scratch which could be really painful.

SEO, a three letter word, is a big term to understand and achieve the mark which you are looking for. Though I would like to mention, it's not a rocket science at all, if efforts are on the right place.

And spending time on learning the Search Engine Optimization is completely worthful for the blog growth in multiple aspects, as you can not rely just on your Social Media Channels. A proper blogs SEO growth also tends to build up an Authority which opens up a lot of doors of monetization dramatically. Getting confused initially is quite common thinking of What to do and what not to and it applies for everyone.

Let's be prepared to understand the actual concept of it, and there is no reason why you won't be able to survive the roller coaster ride with an ease. Isn't it?

Why only few bloggers could able to understand it better than the rest and making most of it. Do they have in-built SEO super powers?

Not at all, isn't it?

Reason is simple, instead rushing out and getting into, they actually understood the actual concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) very well and keep on getting updated with the Google Algorithm and work accordingly.

Don't rush for money, understand how Google ranks the pages and optimize your web pages accordingly.

I repeat again, don't just rush keep on writing content, it won't take anywhere. I believe in this simple line which says a lot,

Crawling in the right direction is better, than running into the wrong one

So what are we waiting for, let's dive into and make the most out of your blog content. Let me mention few of the core points which increases the blogs SEO to be get found in search engines.

Do a Proper Keyword Research

I am sure, you know this term very well. But might overlooking it and just concentrating on creating the content.

You might have heard lot of times, "Content is King."

And I too believe in that! And I am sure you write extraordinary content which is crucial for the rankings.

But, one thing to mention, your extremely well written content will go nowhere if the "Keyword Research" is not proper. Ranking on the first page of the search engine matters right?

Certainly it does. It describes how well you are blogging to get more visibility and footprints in. And that's going to happen gradually, don't expect it overnight.

I believe keyword research is very crucial and a part of On Page SEO. And if you understood the actual concept of keyword research better, you have won the half of the battle.

Use some great tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush. These tools are are essential for getting relevant keywords with your targeted one. And at the same time it will show you the approximate monthly searches and CPC(For banner Ads users) too.

Alternatively, you can also make use of Google's Auto suggest which gives you a lot of keyword ideas. Check out the below example, searching for the term "google ranking factors".

What ever phrase you are looking for, just put a space before the initial letter, that's it, bunch of supporting keywords would be visible, which can be make used of. And to get the monthly approx searches there itself as you can see in the above images, I am using KeywordEverywhere chrome extensions.

Choosing the Right Blogging Platform

Opting for a decent blogging platform is similarly important. WordPress is reliable to curate quality content.

This doesn't mean that other blogging platforms don't have the potential. But, as of now, none are able to beat WordPress. It is a largest CMS used all over the globe. That says the story and opt able. a self hosted platform provides you full control over your blog. You can do SEO with the help of plugins and nothing can be done without your permission.

And moreover, there are thousands of plugins and WordPress themes available to choose from which will simplify your work in just few seconds.

So, it worthy to going with WordPress. For the obvious reasons, why to spend more time on doing things manually, when it can done in few clicks and you can be more productive. Apart from this there are several advantages in an addition.

Quality Content Matters

After opting for a good and reliable blogging platform, now it's equally very important that you have some compelling content into it.

People look for some extraordinary stuff, something unique. Your content should be your identity. So, How do you do so?

Reading some books or some influencer's blogs will give you a better idea. Nothing works if you content is not mesmerizing. Curate the content which is spot on and useful for the reader with their minimal effort.

For example, if you write about some technical posts(How-To Guides), make sure you are too the point with the article. As we all know we need to be very careful in how to guides with screenshots for the content to be more explanatory.

We have to agree that a user don't want to read a lot, they need solutions ASAP while looking for some solutions. And its would be quite wise to serve their needs.

Apart from the text content, visual content is similarly plays a vital role in creating engaging content around the topic. It's well said "a picture is worth thousand words".

Backlinks which Boost your Webpages

In the SEO industry, backlinks are the most heard term. Yes, they are really imperative. And a valid reason behind it, as these comes under the most crucial google ranking factors.

Quality backlinks improves the blog SEO and boost rankings and this in the major part of off-page seo. Now, if you have query as a blogger, how to get those.

There are several ways to get backlinks to your site, Guest Blogging and Blog Commenting are my favorite and looks more ethical instead buying those.

Now, as it's just said don't rush to buy the back links at all, you might see several platforms selling backlinks, I would not recommend at all. As some links can really damage your site and even get penalized by Google.

It's always good to create some high quality backlinks for your awesome content.

Use Social Media Sensibly

A blogger should not underestimate the power of social media. In fact, amongst the Google 200 ranking factors, social signal are one of them.

That means more shares and likes you get, more your pages will rank on the upper squad of search engines. Not just Google, most of the search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and others consider this as a ranking factor.

Sharing the content at least once on the major social media platforms will help the rankings of your blog  content.

Sharing your post are the most easiest and effective ways to boost your blog traffic. Share it with the relevant audience, so that it should get more hits and the user stays for longer time on your blog.

And if you don't came to a conclusion and realize which social media platforms are working for you, and the kind of audience loving your content, then you can always take help of social Media Management Tools. These tools will show all the statistics you want to know.

Important Role of Permalinks

By default, WordPress takes its own permalinks, which are not so useful in regards of search engine optimization. So make sure you change it by Navigating Settings – Permalinks from your WordPress dashboard.

And then time to switch to Custom Structure or Post Name.

Example – /%postname%/

A slug is one of the important part of on-page SEO and it's play an important role to increase the SEO of your blogs. So, never underestimate it.

Small permalinks are always considered as good ones. And all you need to make sure that you use your focus keywords into it without any stop words.

Try to remove the stop words increases the SEO of the permalinks. Now, if you have done some wrong in the past, then no worries those can be changed. But make sure you are applying redirections, so that you should not lose your existing rankings.

And if you have several such posts to be modified, never mind and I would recommend don't mess into. All need to be make sure that the future posts has good permalinks with keywords.

SEO-Friendly Content

If you are using wordpress and missing out the SEO plugins it offers, then I must say you are doing it wrong.

As we were discussing about WordPress and some extraordinary plugins it provides. Amongst them, SEO plugins could be extremely useful to optimize the pages for the search engine and at the same time for the readers as well.

Plugins Like Yoast can make you create the content with ease, without less bothering on onpage seo factors. As it automatically detects and indicates the SEO of a certain page and you can correct it immediately.

Final Words on Your Blogs SEO

If you are missing any one of them, it's high time to get those fixed sooner as possible to improve the blogs seo. Only Writing appealing content is never been enough, if your pages are not found.

Certainly SEO matters a lot for the long run. Fix and optimized your pages sooner as possible according to the ranking factors. Though there are several SEO factors, but above are the ones which generally get missed in the initial days of blogging.

Happy Blogging!