Do you visit , the question and answer site? Most of the questions I answer there ask for basic SEO strategies. M...

5 SEO Tips for Beginners: How to Grow Your Blog Leveraging SEO

Do you visit, the question and answer site?

Most of the questions I answer there ask for basic SEO strategies.

Many bloggers avoid optimizing for SEO believing SEO is too complex for them to master.

Guest author and SEO expert Nirmala Santhakumar offers SEO tips for beginners.

Nirmala's post offers an SEO tutorial for beginners step by step. She makes SEO easy to understand through her use of screenshots.

You can grow your blog using SEO if you follow her basic SEO strategies and proven tips.

How to Grow Your Blog Leveraging SEO in 2018

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Who else wants to build a profitable blog leveraging SEO in 2018 and beyond?

Hands down!

Every online marketer and publisher wants to make use of SEO for more traffic, links, and sales.

If you're struggling to increase your targeted traffic, you're most probably completely ignoring SEO.

So here's an exclusive post for you where you'll discover 5 of the most important SEO tips to grow your blog leveraging SEO.

Let's jump into the details.

5 Most Important SEO Tips for 2018 To Get Blogging Success 1. Your SEO Success Starts With Proper Keyword Research

If you want to build a high traffic website, I've quick tips for you!

Finding the RIGHT keywords and ranking for them on the first page results is the sure-fire way to get hundreds (if not thousands) of visitors to your site from search engines like Google. Literally, keyword research can make or break your website's success.

But I also know that keyword research is NOT easy especially when you're new to SEO. So here are few quick tips for you to find rankable keywords that will help you boost your search engine traffic and website sales.

  •  Use The Right Tools To Find Out Long Tail Keywords
  • While doing keyword research for SEO, always aim for long tail keywords (ex: "blogging tips for e-commerce sites" is a 5-word long tail keyword) instead of finding short/medium keywords like "blogging tips, best blog tips."

    The long tail keywords are more comfortable to rank for and they often have less competition when compared to short and medium tail keywords.

    You can use the free keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, LSI Graph, or Ubersuggest and the best premium keyword research tools like Long Tail Pro Platinum, Keyword Revealer or KWFinder for finding great long tail keywords.

  • Keep An Eye On Your Competitors
  • Find out how much traffic they are driving to their sites and what keywords are sending them the most visitors from search engines. That way you can use those keywords within your future blog content to start generating similar traffic to your site as well. You can use paid tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs for finding competitors best performing keywords easily.

    Have a look at the image!

    I'm using Ahrefs; it's an excellent keyword research tool!

    Give your competitor URL > Top Pages > Look at the Traffic, Top Keyword, Volume, and Position.

    5 beginner SEO Tips

  •  Target Low – Medium Keywords With Less Competition
  • When doing keyword research, always remember to target keywords with the average monthly search volume between 300 to 1500 searches so you can only focus those keywords with less competition.

    2. Long Content Is The SEO Kingmaker

    Once you're done with the keyword research part, it's time for you to start creating high-quality content.

    Yes! Quality content is the king. But it's not just any generic content but long piece of writing which has 1500+ or even more words in it. In-depth content always ranks well and attracts more social shares from your audience.

    Have a look at the following example to see why the long form of content is the king.

    5 beginner SEO Tips

    As you can see from the above image, you'll notice that the average word count for the top 5 positions in search engines is above 2000+ words. That being said, here are the few proven tips to create the long form of content efficiently.

    Before you even think about your next post idea, feel like an expert in your niche. If you analyze all the high traffic websites in any industry, you'll understand that they all create extremely detailed and highly useful content for their audience.

    That's what you should do too, and you'll only create the comprehensive content when you start thinking like an expert in your field.

    Researching is the most important thing if you want to craft high-quality, detailed content. Analyze the top blogs in your industry and take notes about how they're writing their articles and do a quick search on Google for the keywords you want to rank for.

    All this prior homework before you even begin writing can help you immensely craft your posts better.

  •  Start Small, Finish Big
  • If you're aiming to write 2000+ word posts, start with writing 1000 words a day and scale up from there. That's how you get into the habit of writing quality content. Don't aim to write 3000 words a day when you're just starting out.

    That's the sure-fire way to fail, so start small and finish big.

    3. Link Building Is The KEY To More Search Traffic

    Building backlinks is an integral part of SEO success. If you want to leverage your blog with SEO, start building relevant backlinks.

    Did you know that Google considers backlinks as votes and rewards the web pages with more number of quality and relevant backlinks?

    Yes, that's true. Backlinks are considered as the #1 ranking factors by Google algorithms.

    So how do you attract high-quality backlinks from other sites to boost your search traffic, backlink profile and brand authority?

    Follow these tips!

    Write and submit high-quality guest posts on other sites that are relevant to your blog topics. You don't have to aim for the most prominent blogs in your industry when you're just starting out. Build confidence and momentum by contributing to small yet informative blogs first.

    Once you get the momentum, start pitching better blogs (you can also consider domain authority level while pitching) to attract high quality and relevant links to your site.

    These links are usually from disreputable blogging forums, blog directories, buying links from Fiverr, etc. If someone sells you 100 backlinks for just $5, stay away or else your site will be penalized in Google search results.

    I would suggest you follow only the white-hat link building strategies.

    The best way to attract natural backlinks from other sources is to write highly informative and useful content. Creating a link-worthy article with lots of practical advice, compelling headlines and techniques can get more links than any other link building strategy.

    I'm sure that it will help you to stay authority to the eyes of Google and other search engines so that you can survive on the Blogosphere for many years.  

    4. Optimize, optimize, optimize!

    SEO is all about optimization. The more you optimize your blog's content, speed, and performance – the better results you'll get. Here are some ways to optimize your website for SEO success.

    This plugin is a blessing for WordPress users. It's used by over a million people worldwide to optimize their content for specific keywords.

    Even if you're new to SEO, you'll find it easy to use this plugin for optimization of your content. Try it! You'll never ignore this WordPress SEO, and it's completely free.

    Make it a habit of updating your old posts frequently. Yup! One of the quickest ways to get more search traffic to your site is to update your old blog posts with new information, images, and links.

    Also, make sure to start building links to your best performing old content to boost their search rankings and get first page results for a variety of keywords.

     Perform Speed Optimization

    Site speed matters A LOT, and yes, it is one of the Google Ranking factors. Optimize your website speed at any cost. Did you know that 80% of your users will abandon your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Yes, that's what most surveys say.

    Go to Pingdom tools or GTMetrix and find out how fast your site is loading and also follow the suggestions mentioned on their website to improve your site loading times and performance.

    5. It Takes Time

    Most bloggers quit blogging even before they start. Do you know why? They always want more significant results such as traffic, sales, and conversions, really quickly.

    You can grow a profitable blog from scratch by leveraging SEO only if you remember the fact that blogging isn't a get rich quick scheme. It takes several months (a minimum of 8 to 10 months) to start generating a decent amount of traffic from search engines to your site.

    So don't get frustrated when you're struggling with traffic and results. Just be consistent, focus on yearly goals and always learn from your competitors. That's how you can succeed!

  •  Get Access To The RIGHT Tools and Plugins
  • Make sure to invest in the right SEO tools if you want to grow your blog leveraging SEO. There are few premium tools such as Ahrefs, Long Tail Pro, MyThemeShop, and WPRocket which are absolutely worth the money.

    But before paying for any premium tool, make sure to give a trial version to find out all the features and to know whether it's worth for your website needs or not.

  •  Focus On Improving User Experience
  • How the user behaves on your page? – It is the new SEO. Yes! It would be better to reduce the bounce rate & dwell time of your site.

    Get a fastest hosting service for your WordPress site so the server response time will be great. Also, get a pleasing design that could attract the attention of your readers. You may have a look at the MyThemeShop or GeneratePress themes as they both are well-players in the industry.

  • Stay Active on Social Media
  • Social signals are also a part of SEO. Make use of the social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, and Reddit. You may also take part in the blogging communities like Bizsugar, Growthhackers, and to boost your web presence.

    Thus, the search engines would consider your blog as an authority and blesses with high SERPs (Search Engine Results Page).

    Final Thoughts About Growing Your Blog By Leveraging SEO

    As I said above, SEO does not work the way we want! It is not easy and it takes time to notice the results. That's why focusing on long-term results always works like a charm.

    If you want to grow your blog's traffic and sales, make sure to focus on SEO because it always works. I hope you have learned the tactics of raising your blog by using SEO.

    So what do you think about the essential SEO tips mentioned above? Did you like them? Do you know any other techniques to grow a blog leveraging search engine optimization? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Author Bio: Nirmala is a dedicated blogger, WordPress enthusiast who blogs at Writing is her passion and helping others is her best quality. Apart from being online, she would like to do YOGA to improve her focus. You may connect with her on FaceBook.

    Host Blogger's Comments:

    As you can see, you can easily follow Nirmala's SEO tutorial for beginners step by step.

    Readers, please share Nirmala's SEO tips for beginners. This way other bloggers can read Nirmala's basic SEO strategy.

    I look forward to your views in the comments section: Are there any additional SEO tips for beginners you would recommend?

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