Ah, clients. We love them. They are our bread and butter and helping them realise their search goals is naturally what we’re all about...

Four funny SEO requests – and how to respond to them - Telegraph.co.uk

Ah, clients. We love them. They are our bread and butter and helping them realise their search goals is naturally what we’re all about. Of course, helping them understand what their search goals actually are â€" or should be â€" is another kettle of fish.

Read four of the most common yet misguided client requests below. 

1. We want to rank top in Google for ‘biscuit news’ but we don’t actually want to mention biscuits in the content

If only this was possible! Actually, on second thoughts, no. Could you imagine the state the web would be in if optimisation really worked like this? It all goes back to search intent â€" if content does not meet user expectations then search engines such as Google will not present it to them. You can’t trick engines by mentioning something in a headline but talking about something entirely different in the body â€" they are much, much cleverer than that. In fact, since 2017 Google et al have been demanding to see even more relevant detail in body copy than ever before. Deep diving into a topic and its associated interests is really what it’s all about.

2. We need to rank #1 for this keyword by next week

Perhaps the most common request of all. And in our heads we’re thinking, “Of course you do â€" but so do 500+ other websites.” Lots of clients I’ve come into contact with do not consider SEO to be a time-consuming process â€" most seem to be under the impression that adding a smattering of big number keywords to a page will work itself out because “Google will do the rest”. No. It. Won’t. Even a new Telegraph webpage, which comes from a domain of longstanding authority, can take weeks or even months to settle.

Good ranks â€" much like brand reputation â€" takes time to develop Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

But expecting to rank at number one â€" even without a given timeframe â€" is a mistake. It could be that the client’s website is not authoritative enough to land a page-one slot or that the keyphrase they’re gunning for is so competitive and far removed from conversion opportunity that it would be a pointless exercise.It’s also worth pointing out that search engines can rank and un-rank content without obvious reasons so even if your efforts are improving client ranks today, tomorrow might be a different story. Clients should therefore be encouraged to take the long term view and create content pieces that will enable them to build authority in the relevant field. Targeting keywords big and small is essential â€" those long-tail keywords, that are cheaper and “less popular” are actually often closer to points of conversion and should be considered “low hanging fruit”.

3. I need every trace of this webpage wiped from the internet by X date

This demand crops up when clients are working to specific campaign timelines, meaning certain messaging or detail can expire on certain dates. It’s understandable, therefore, that pages or content marketing efforts which feature this detail will need to be edited or removed from the front and centre.

Unfortunately, a page that goes live on the web cannot simply be erased with the push of a button. Certainly, we can delete pages from a content management system and yes, we can redirect old links into new destinations on servers, but we cannot control search engine indexes, old social posts that refer to content pieces and any other platforms that may have lifted the content and re-published it on their end.

If content detail is so sensitive to a client’s marketing schedule then discussions should be had at the beginning to manage expectations.

4. You have to get us more natural search traffic to increase sales

More traffic does not necessarily mean more sales. We all know that a flashy sign on a shopfront can entice us inside but it does not mean that we’ll definitely be parting with our hard-earned cash.

Similarly, you can increase traffic to a website through paid search efforts, naughty “gateway” pages and social marketing and the like, but if the client’s website is stale and below par in terms of engaging visitors, then all the traffic in the world will not increase conversions.

More traffic will not automatically increase conversions Credit: Otto Steininger

In fact, directing big traffic to a weak webpage can actually damage the client’s current standing. If people land on a website but click straight back out because they don’t like what they see then Google takes it like a bad review, and lots of those can eventually mean that it stops presenting the website in search results.

Often, the best place to start is by reviewing the web property in its current condition. Is it meeting user intent? Is the website easy to use and safe? Tidying up what’s there and meeting focussed search goals should be prioritised over opening the floodgates.